Deaf/Blind Community Emergency Planning: Are You Ready?

Ad Astra Blog Header Deaf Blind community emergency planning Are you ready?

In emergency situations, communication and information exchange often means the difference between life and death. In this guide we’ll explore DeafBlind community emergency planning and provide approaches and resources to ensure no one gets left behind in an emergency.
They often hit when you least expect it.

The best response to a disaster is one when where there is pre-planning, coordination, preparation, and mobilization among all parties such as local, state, national, and even international emergency response teams. In emergency situations, communication and information exchange often means the difference between life and death.

In this guide we’ll explore DeafBlind community emergency planning and provide approaches and resources to ensure no one gets left behind in an emergency.

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How we help academic institutions with language accessibility

Ad Astra Blog Header How we help academic institutions with their accessibility

It’s critical that we as a nation support our college students that are English Learners (EL) and Deaf & Hard of Hearing (Deaf & HoH).According to the National Association for the Deaf, 1.3% of all currently enrolled college students are Deaf. A broader public school statistic from the National Center for Education Statistics puts some 10.4% (or 5.1 million students) in the category of students learning spoken English.

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