Localizing New Electric Vehicle Terminology in Emerging Markets

Ad Astra Blog Header How to localize new terminology in the emerging market of Electric Vehicles

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed there are more electric vehicles around today than ever before. And, of course, this isn’t an accident.Rising concerns over the impact of fossil fuels and plummeting lithium-ion battery costs are driving the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) across the globe. Much of this shift is happening naturally, but some countries are taking a more aggressive approach.For example, the UK plans to end the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2030, and as time goes on, it’s likely more countries will follow suit.

Operational manuals, user guides, and product descriptions require special attention and careful proofreading to ensure you’re communicating your message correctly. At best, poorly translated text causes confusion or some awkward (but funny) phrasing, and at worst, it results in severe misuse of products.  

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Home Hardware Localization Tips and Tricks

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Whether you’re a DIY home enthusiast, a hardware supplier looking to go international, or a home hardware product manager, being able to share your hardware instructions in new markets is vital! 

Operational manuals, user guides, and product descriptions require special attention and careful proofreading to ensure you’re communicating your message correctly. At best, poorly translated text causes confusion or some awkward (but funny) phrasing, and at worst, it results in severe misuse of products.  

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What’s the Difference Between Translation and Localization?

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For most of human history, geography determined who you could form relationships with. Even if you weren’t locked in by mountain ranges or wholly dependent on living next to a water source for your survival, you could only access the people immediately around you at any given time. That couldn’t be more different from the world we live in today. Now, a total of five billion people use the internet to stay in touch with friends and conduct any number of other activities.

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